Kalani Staudacher's Portfolio

Kalani Staudacher

These images are actually from a project I did years ago, when I was seventeen. I did a summer semester at Stanford and took a class called "Into the Metaverse: Designing the Future of Virtual Worlds". For the final group project, me and my partner Meena designed a game for the Oculus about a penguin. I did all these drawings for it. It was a long time ago, but kept these images because it was some of the most fun I've ever had working on a project. I really enjoyed plotting out some of the different charecters and plot points with Meena, even if I don't remember most of the specifics now. This is more sketchy work to illustrate concepts than anything, but I especially like the rockhopper drawing.

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"Into the Metaverse" was an interesting and valuable class, but it made me aware of how many difficulties VR has a storytelling medium. Meena and I based this game concept on a few important takeaways we learned from class. The class mostly focused on research done into VR from a psychology perspective. One of the main finding was how human avatars in VR usually come off as unncany to users, which is why we made our avatar a penguin.